The CADDY GLIDER Electrical Box Attachment, part of theCADDY line from ERICO, is designed to simplify the installation ofelectrical boxes and allows for final adjustment on the jobsite. TheCADDY GLIDER easily attaches to any electrical box and is versatileenough to be used in a variety of applications, especially prefabwhere some assembly is done off-site prior to final installation.With the CADDY GLIDER, installers can attach one or moreelectrical boxes to the Telescopic Screw Gun Bracket (TSGB). Onceattached, the installer can easily adjust the box location and thewidth of the TSGB between the studs. And, because it’s smallerthan competitive parts, the CADDY GLIDER allows closer installa-tion of multiple boxes between or against the studs. Up to threeboxes can be installed in a standard 16” spacing. Competitiveproducts only allow two